Logos of Bali

Illustrated image of a person on a scooter in Bali with logos in the background

So, I just got back from a short trip to Bali (well maybe not just-just, but recently), where I was able to spend time in the sun, sipping cocktails, swimming, and just refuelling my energy and creativity. While we spent most of our time around the beautiful, but hot, beach areas, we did a fair amount of exploring the busy shopping streets and markets, and heading inland for a day’s adventure to the bustling and beautiful Ubud area too (yup, also hot).

But you know what they say: a designer never really sleeps (or was it a creative mind?)… so, of course, I was always busy checking out the signs and logos everywhere we went (when not dodging people, scooters and the little baskets of offerings on the walkways outside stores and houses).

One of my favourite parts of travelling though, is documenting the way of life and quirks of the place I’m visiting. While I keep a travel journey with drawings and snippets of my trip, I also take a mountain of photos like the tourist I am.

So here are some of my favourite snaps of Balinese logos that I came across during my week in Indonesia (with short commentary below) - some of which are great logos, and others are just a great glimpse into another country’s daily routine.

So, which one did you like the most?

Let me know


Do you still need business cards?


A chatbot wrote this blog post, sort of