Illustrated chilis with seeds lying

Editorial illustrations for CommBank’s Brighter magazine

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Editorial illustration
Food & Bev
Magazine illustration

From making the most of your super to helping you teach your kids about money – discover the brighter side of banking with CommBank's new magazine.

Australia’s largest retail bank, The Commonwealth Bank has started publishing its own magazine every two months and we were commissioned to create a suite of food illustrations to complement the Table Talk section in Edition 3, on how you can make all the sauces and condiments for a fraction of the price at home.

The illustrations needed to be consistent with the official brand colours to add to the magazine’s overall brand recognition, and soft textures were introduced to the illustrations to add an extra layer to the rustic, homemade appeal.

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Developmental sketches 

Showing how each of the illustrations looks before the inking of the final artwork.

Pencil sketches showing developmental progress of editorial food illustrations

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